Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A new dog!

So, about a week ago I saw a black dog walking in our backyard. I called him inside & looked to see if he had on a collar. He had a collar on & it had his owners phone number on it as well. I called the number & the lady that answered said she didn't want the dumb dog anymore & asked if I wanted him. I told her that we did not need another dog, so she came a few hours later to pick him up. Well like 2 days later we saw him wandering our backyard again, so we brought him in again! John took him out on a walk & he got loose & ran away. So, John & I decided that if we saw him out again we would keep him or take him to the Humane Society (where they don't kill the dogs). He came up to our door the very next day & his collar was gone. This is the sweetest dog ever, so we decided to keep him if he did not have any problems with him. I took him to the vet this morning & he got all of his shots that he needed & he was checked for heart worms (which was negative). The only thing that was wrong with him is that he has an ear infection and he needs a hair cut REALLY bad! The vet told me that he looked to be about 4 years old & he is a Shitzu mix. The lady told me the one day she came to get him that his name was Morgan, so we will keep it as that for now. Anyways... he is the sweetest dog ever & I will keep you posted on him & post some pictures of him soon! Sarah Bigelow!