Thursday, May 7, 2009

My labor & delivery visit.

So, as a lot of you know, we had our 1st visit to Labor & Delivery on Tuesday night. Here is the story.
I felt fine Tuesday morning, then we went to Target at like 1 p.m. & at Target I started to get these really bad menstrual type cramps & really bad lower back pain. I figured that I just overdid it, so we went home & I sat on the couch. It didn't get any better, so when Kylie went down for her nap, I decided to nap too. I woke up from my nap feeling even worse so I called my Dr. & he said to go straight to Labor & Delivery.
John got home shortly after & we called my mom & she watched Kylie & we headed up to Crestwood. Once we got into a room they had me pee in a cup & hooked me up to all of the monitors.
They got the results back from my urine & they told me that I had a Urinary Tract Infection (very common in pregnant women), so they gave me some antibiotics & sent us on our way home.
We are just so thankful that the baby & I are okay! Keep us all in your thoughts & prayers!