Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another trip to the E.R.

Well, as most of you guys know, Kylie loves to play with & eat butt paste! She is so strange! Anyways... last Thursday I put her down for a nap (& I thought that she was sleeping, but I guess not) & I got in the shower. Well when I get out of the shower I hear the drawer in her room shutting so, I peek into her room & I find her covered from head to toe in butt paste! She emptied out about 4 bottles of butt paste! It was also all over the dresser & in the carpet!

She seemed to be fine, so we continued with our day. She went to gymnastics & she started doing this weird thing with her throat but I just kindda forgot about it. Then in the bath tub that night she said she didn't feel good & doing a weird cough.

So after that I had John call poison control while I put her to bed & sure enough they told us to take her to the E.R. because she was having "symptoms."

We had to wake her up & take her to the E.R. After we waited all night to see the Dr. she told us that it was not toxic (I wish poison control told us that) & she was probably coughing because the butt paste was so thick that it probably coated her throat. We got to the E.R. around 10 p.m. & got home at 2 a.m. It was a long night! We are just glad that she is okay!

This is how I found her! She is such a mess!

This is a close up of her lower half! She thought that she looked "pwetty" LoL!

After I caught her & she got in trouble, she still wanted more!

And this one is while were at the E.R. Don't you just love the gowns! Ha Ha!